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My Profile

Name: Aymee Fong
School: UNMC
Age: 18 (currently)
Most Favourite:
Actor: Johnny Depp
Male Singer: Eminem
Female Singer: Mariah Carey
Activities: Sleep, eat, online, download songs, watch dramas and movies, talk craps ;)
Tv Shows: WWE Raw, ANTM, Heroes, HIMYM... Food: Chocolate, mushrooms, seafood...

Most Hateable:
Animal: Frog and other animals except mosquitoes (the only living thing i can kill easily and happily)
Food: Ginger, garlic, fat meat, healthy-but-grossy food
Tv Shows: Kid's show (watch a gang of adults pretend to be "cherubic" and "angelic" and "cute" to play with kids is just...ANNOYING)


yann yi
Pui Chen
wan qi
chui ann
Xiao Han
Kok Yung
Yee How

Wishes and Hopes to be AchiEved ~

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Previous Posts Are Here ~

August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010

Thank yous!

Designer:xo xo
Base Codes:xo xo
xo xo
Monday, March 1, 2010

Don't feel like blogging recently.
But i think i should blog about this. A Home Visit programme on Saturday , 27th Feb 2010.
This is the first meaningful deed other than eat, sleep, watch tv, download movies...etc i did in year 2010.
Had been procrastinating this programme since last year end until a week ago, we decided to take out time to do this.
Discussed about games & activities we shall do at Ruman Keluarga Kami, an orphanage house, we voiced shouted out our opinions and suggestions and created nuisance at SA.
Gave some illogic activities ideas such as gambling, watch movies, truth or dare, slap game to fill the 2 hours period.
Of course we won't really do this la. :P
Went to Tesco & Cziplee to buy some stuff. Cziplee boss was so nice to give us 10% discount on stationery bought at their shop without even questioning whether were we really did it for charity.
Thank you Cziplee Boss :) :)
Again, i had just taken my bath (that's why my hair was wet). Yy took this photo without my knowledge and posted it on fb. Damn.
We got to lift up the mini hamper (actually it was quite heavy if you hold it for 10 minutes) to wrap the lower part. My right hand got muscle sore a bit.

Bought some lousy snacks due to limited budget and wrapped prizes for games. :))
Woke up at 6am on Saturday morning to fry burger meats as breakfast for the orphans.
No time to feed duck as scheduled because of limited time.
Rumah Keluarga Kami.
We hurried to RKK and saw only 14 people there.
Nevermind, games still needed to go on. Amy Wong as project leader used her extremely soft voice to talk to a bunch of secondary school students. :S
Apparently nobody listened to her, so pathetic.

Game's timeGiving papers with word written on it, the speaker got to tell clues to let his group members to guess what was it. One of the questions was "Rakyat didahulukan, pencapaian diutamakan", it was pretty easy but they didn't get it anyway. The speak has presenting problem, and the members are too weak to guess it correctly.
I don't get why pc sat on her knee in this photo.
My hair made me looked scary :P

I had no choice but to shout in order to get their attention.
And yeah, it worked :)
Wearing Black office top + cotton pants + cheap-looking slippers, i looked completely stupid :P
No choice, they asked me to wear black.
Introduced some lousy games but we kinda had joy at the end.
The last game was to use some simple materials to decorate cake, at first, nobody paid attention to third group until they did poop looking cream on the cake, lol.
The poop looking chocolate cream xD
Everybody rushed to take the classic photo of theirs. HAHA
Last session -- cake decoration
To be honest i don't feel like eating the cake LOL
Ok, i looked damn ugly with already-very-tiny+half-closed eyes. :
Messed up the surrounding, got to clean it.
Yy looked like professional janitor (well we always believe she has the potential), while Amy Wong and pc did most of the floor cleaning job.
I stood there like a useless person, felt guilty for not helping much.
Our gangster-look with guns mop
Looked so ironic when black tops combined with broom xD
Anyway, i'm not a kid-lover but i still glad that i joined this. :))

Ace Home Visit
Monday, March 01, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lost in a game...have to be called stupid for a day and tortoise for a week.
Guess what? i made the game by myself.
SoooOooo ironic !

Call me stupid
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Never welcome any intruder.
Intruder that creates nuisance.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Here i announce, i've finally re-activated my obsolete facebook old account which was opened in 2008.
I need some time to add my friends because so far, only yy, jo and pc knew i reactivated my facebook account.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jo was to meet her friend, Eunice today at Midvalley.
Yy and i followed along, and surprisingly, Amanda went there to meet me too.
Jo said she wanted to have pizza with her friends, yy and i no longer want any fast food, so we walked separately.
Saw a portrait painting booth, each piece of work costs about RM 70~80.
I would love to have my portrait too, but my wallet didn't allow me to do that.
Went I Love Yoo 老友鬼鬼, recommended by pc before.
Was struggling whether to have extra tofu far because i'm afraid it's too much for my little stomach.

Tasty porridge with crispy yao char kuai matches each other perfectly.
The porridge is so nice that it's not too dilute nor saturated, far different from the rice+water-separated-porridge my mom cooks.
When i finished the porridge, i realised that the tofu far is...unnecessary!
It took me long time to finish it, with yy giggled beside, saying i was too greedy. :P
Herself is not that good either, she had soy bean milk, hot one, which she never like.
Met Amanda later, each time i see her, she becomes prettier than before.

Then we went to cinema to have a movie.
You couldn't imagine how long was the queue, because it took us a while to find where the queue started. *lol*
G.O.D.D.A.M.N. lots of people were there.
Luckily there were many counters selling tickets, we didn't have to wait THAT long to buy.
Tooth fairy left 3 seats which were in the most front, facing the super big screen.
We opted for other movie as we didn't want to lift up our jaws for 2 hours, with light strikes directly on our face and who knows if we might have jaw-cramp after that?!
Finally, left Legion, a movie with a muscular-man-with-wings-seemed-like-pretending-cute-or-whatever-it-was-poster.

To be frank i wasn't very sure if Amanda's choice was right because today's ticket was RM12 (public holidays).
Loitering for a while before the movie started at 4.45pm.
Saw many nice clothes, but i managed to control my desire because of 2 reasons:
a)Already bought what i wanted
b)No $$$
Saw a fortune-teller booth, quite many people like me were intrigued but hell, he charged RM 100 for his professional prediction.
He seemed so professional in every word he spoke, saw newspaper article writing about him too on the table.
Yy, Amanda and i bought large Ice Lemon Tea, popcorn and 1901 hot dog bread respectively before entering cinema.
The movie was much nicer than my expectations.
Scenes are thrilling, exciting but ridiculous at the end.
What a disappointment!
Anyway, we heard people laughed at one of the horrifying scene, lol.
Amanda and i couldn't help but laughed too.
Must wear sunglasses next time because the light is too bright, causing sight difficulties.
Not to mention how damn cold the cinema was. Everyone's body was shivering.
Right after movie, we decided to go back and ate porridge again!!
Craved for something warm after being frozen in the cinema.
I was fine with the bowl of porrige, but yy was too full because she had large Ice Lemon Tea and McD Coke before. *lol*
Went to Jusco, in desperation, suddenly saw this pair of legging on a "fake model".
The price was so cheap that i found no reason not to buy it.
Even if it was the last piece, i would buy it too.
Luckily, i got a new one.
Said bye-bye with Amanda, we couldn't catch the the next bus but to wait for another one.
Bought a book at MPH, then said bye-bye to Midvalley.
While we were upstairs, saw the ktm train was coming, yy, jo and i ran crazily to the ktm station.
Everybody had already entered, left 3 of us finding space.
Yy wanted to give up, sat on the bench.
In desperation,i saw there was space in one entrance.
We ran again before the door closed and thanks god that the train is controlled manually, we squeezed into the train!! *yay*

Loitering, not hunting for clothes for the first time...in Midvalley :P
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

This semester i'm going to have legal concepts (in other words, business law) and accounting B modules.
Had both these modules on Thursday, today, was my first class.
Legal concepts lecturer warned us that this is DEFINITELY not going to be an easy subject, you are not only expected to work hard, but harder, hardeR, hardER, harDER, haRDER, hARDER, HARDER !!!!
She even told us to read the book as your bedtime stories.
Well, i guess i won't have insomnia problems since law books are so hypnotizing not so understandable.
After lunch, we had our accounting class.
The lecturer is from Liverpool, has cute UK accent, humorous and changes her facial expression almost every second.
She is fun, maybe i should say hyperactive, because she talks a lot. Really a lot.
I don't know where she got all the energy from, but i'm pretty sure that she won't be like the usual local lecturers with stern-looking face.
I frequently heard she spoke "talk" as "took" lol, and the way she pronounced "assets" is different from us.
This has reminded me of a lovely Inti lecturer whom i met at education fair 2009.
I hadn't got scholarship that time and was looking for an affordable college apart from studying form six.
He was so funny, told yee and i so many jokes and was lecturer in US.
He asked us to guess what he teaches, we did but nobody got it correct.
Da-da, he said he is teaching maths.
I still could remember vividly what he said
He:" ha-ha, everybody gives me this look when they got to know that i teach maths, because in your mind you must think math teachers are boring, telling lame jokes, students have no choice but to fake a laugh..."
Inti booth and Taylor booth were next to each other. They are competitors.
He:" I know lots of parents like to send their kids to "branded" colleges (eyes squinted at Taylor's booth), and children are so proud to say "i'm a student from T*****..."
He:" This is the way they do business, at first they persuade you to enrol, telling you these fees bla bla, but later they tell you a bunch more... Maybe that's the reason why their business courses attract so many students..."
He told a bunch more ironic things to us which we laughed our lungs out, we were so glad to meet him. And he even taught us how to answer people's question so that in real life, when we go interview, we could handle the situation.
You may think what he had said sound so jealous, but in fact he wasn't at all, he was being frank with us that so far how many students have enrolled in their college (a pathetic figure) and some of them escaped away once they got matrix or jpa.
I would never forget about him.
Note* he is hot too.

New semester, new challenges
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bumped into Ms Saleha, our favourite lecturer at cafeteria.
She was buying vegetarian food, so did pc, jo and i.
She told pc that she finally has a facebook account but she is not going to tell us her name.(aiya, no use la, we are determined to find her anyway and add her)
She treated us for lunch.
AhhhHhh...so nice, thank you Ms Saleha!!
I always insist not to have a facebook account no matter how many thousands times pc, jo and yy persuade me.
I'm like a kid who refuses to take pill.
But after seeing Ms Saleha has it, i was more or less affected, suddenly have the incentive to open a facebook account.
I feel like i have lost connection to friends, always being left alone and don't know the latest gossips.
Should i insist not to have a facebook account??
Pc told me that Michelle Khaw who also insisted not to have facebook account before now has it.
Should i be the sole human being in this planet not to have facebook account (i'm cool, i'm special)??
Finally i have my fan cleaned.
Due to limited height petite body, i am unable to reach the ceiling table fan to remove it for cleaning.
After waiting for sooo~ long, finally pc found a way ---> asked wei liang to come over and disjoin the fan.
He was kind of shocked when he knew he had to disjoin and re-join 4 fans, lol, in a hot afternoon.
I should have taken a photo of the dusty fan before so that i can tell how much the difference is before and after cleaning.
What i can say is, after cleaning, the wind blows like Hurricane Katrina.
Thank you Wei Liang!! Whenever we switch on and off our fans, it will remind us of your kindness!!

Facebook + Fan
Monday, January 25, 2010